Results for 'Rabbi Jack Moline'

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  1. September 11 and the Jewish vocabulary of tragedy.Rabbi Jack Moline - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Paganism, Christianity, Judaism.Max Brod - 1970 - University,: University of Alabama Press.
    Now remembered primarily as Franz Kafta's friend and literary executor, Max Brod was an accomplishered thinker and writer in his own right. In this volume, he considers the nature and differences between Judaism and Christianity, addressing some of the most perplexing questions at the heart of human existence. “One of the most famous and widely discussed books of the 1920’s, Max Brod’s Paganism—Christianity—Judaism, has at last found its way into English translation to confront a new generation of readers. Max Brod (...)
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    The content of awareness is a model of the world.Jack Yates - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (2):249-284.
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    Feedback theory of how joint receptors regulate the timing and positioning of a limb.Jack A. Adams - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (6):504-523.
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    Plurality and conjunction.Jack Hoeksema - 1983 - In Alice G. B. ter Meulen, Studies in modeltheoretic semantics. Cinnaminson, U.S.A.: Foris Publications. pp. 1--63.
  6. What Ought We to Believe? Or the Ethics of Belief Revisited.Jack W. Meiland - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (1):15 - 24.
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    The nature of intention.Jack W. Meiland - 1970 - London,: Methuen.
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    The Invention of Duty: Stoicism as Deontology.Jack Visnjic - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    Where did the notion of 'moral duty' come from? In _The Invention of Duty: Stoicism as Deontology_, Jack Visnjic argues that it was the Stoics who first developed a robust notion of duty as well as a deontological ethics.
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  9. Copyright as a Jewish Ethical Issue.Rabbi Hara E. Person & PhD Rabbi Sonja K. Pilz - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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    Dewey's concept of an experience.Jack Kaminsky - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (3):316-330.
  11. The empirical metaphysics of Geroge Henry Lewes.Jack Kaminsky - 1952 - [n. p.,:
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  12. An overview on transformative learning.Jack Mezirow - 2009 - In Knud Illeris, Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists -- In Their Own Words. Routledge.
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    Do relations individuate?Jack W. Meiland - 1966 - Philosophical Studies 17 (5):65 - 69.
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    Psychologism in logic: Husserl's critique.Jack W. Meiland - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):325 – 339.
    Psychologism in logic holds that logic is a branch of psychology. This view has been vigorously defended by John Stuart Mill and by a number of German philosophers of logic, notably Erdmann. Its chief critics have been Husserl and Frege and, to a lesser extent, Russell. Husserl set forth a profound and detailed critique of psychologism in Logical Investigations. This paper examines this critique. First, I explain why the psychologistic theory is attractive. Then I show that Husserl's critique is not (...)
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  15. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master.Jack Zupko - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):124-126.
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  16. Dreyfus and Deleuze on L’habitude, Coping, and Trauma in Skill Acquisition.Jack Reynolds - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (4):539 – 559.
    One of the more important and under-thematized philosophical disputes in contemporary European philosophy pertains to the significance that is given to the inter-related phenomena of habituality, skilful coping, and learning. This paper examines this dispute by focusing on the work of the Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger-inspired phenomenologist Hubert Dreyfus, and contrasting his analyses with those of Gilles Deleuze, particularly in Difference and Repetition. Both Deleuze and Dreyfus pay a lot of attention to learning and coping, while arriving at distinct conclusions about (...)
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  17.  23
    Nucleus: The History of Atomic Energy Canada, Limited. Robert Bothwell.Jack Holl - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):129-130.
  18. Michael Bavidge, Mad or Bad? Reviewed by.Jack Iwanicki - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (5):303-304.
  19.  35
    May I Touch You?Jack Coulehan - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (3):209-221.
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    The Farmer's Daughter.Jack Coulehan - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (2):157-158.
  21.  36
    What Can Theoretical Psychology Do?Jack Martin - 2004 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):1-13.
    A wide variety of theoretical tasks is inescapably part of psychological research, practice, and public policy initiatives. A classification and illustrated summary of these theoretical tasks is provided, an important purpose of which is to remind providers and users of psychological research and interventions of important theoretical dimensions of these activities. A larger purpose, however, is the promotion of theoretical psychology as an orientation toward, and a set of understandings and tools with which psychologists might approach, an appropriately contextualized self-understanding (...)
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    Freud's Moses and monotheism revisited.Jack Jones - 1980 - Ethics 90 (4):512-526.
  23. De l’évasion.Jack Kahn - 2023 - Crashroom.Ooo 1 (1). Translated by Camille Cornu.
    En 1959, la revue Scientific American publie l’une des premières études consacrées à des œuvres d’art réalisées par une personne explicitement décrite comme « autiste » : un dénommé Joey[1]. L’auteur de cette étude de cas, Bruno Bettelheim, s’est avéré par la suite être un charlatan, sa pratique a été discréditée et aujourd’hui, ses méthodes sont généralement – et à juste titre – considérées comme abusives. Néanmoins, son travail a joué un rôle important dans la création du débat autour de (...)
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    Piagetian epistemology: Equilibration and the teaching of science.Jack A. Rowell - 1989 - Synthese 80 (1):141 - 162.
    That Piagetian epistemology has the dynamics of knowledge growth as its core consideration predetermines a need to consider it as potentially applicable to teaching. This paper addresses that need by first outlining the Piagetian theory of equilibration and then applying it to the construction of methods of teaching science.
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  25. Sympathy, difference, and education: Social unity in the work of Adam Smith.Jack Weinstein - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (1):79-111.
    In this article, I examine Adam Smith's theory of the ways individuals in society bridge social and biological difference. In doing so, I emphasize the divisive effects of gender, race, and class to see if Smith's account of social unity can overcome such fractious forces. My discussion uses the metaphor of “proximity” to mean both physical and psychological distance between moral actors and spectators. I suggest that education – both formal and informal in means – can assist moral judgment by (...)
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  26. Adam Smith.Jack Weinstein - 2008 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    entry for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy at
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  27. Direct Perception, Inter-subjectivity, and Social Cognition: Why Phenomenology is a Necessary but not Sufficient Condition.Jack Reynolds - 2015 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Research:333-354.
    In this paper I argue that many of the core phenomenological insights, including the emphasis on direct perception, are a necessary but not sufficient condition for an adequate account of inter-subjectivity today. I take it that an adequate account of inter-subjectivity must involve substantial interaction with empirical studies, notwithstanding the putative methodological differences between phenomenological description and scientific explanation. As such, I will need to explicate what kind of phenomenology survives, and indeed, thrives, in a milieu that necessitates engagement with (...)
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    The accidental altruist.Jack Wilson - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (1):71-91.
    Operational definitions of biological altruism in terms of actual fitness exchanges will not work because they include accidental acts as altruistic and exclude altruistic acts that have gone awry. I argue that the definition of biological altruism should contain an analogue of the role intention plays in psychological altruism. I consider two possibilities for this analogue, selected effect functions and the proximate causes and effects of behavior. I argue that the selected-effect function account will not work because it confuses the (...)
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    Small Firms' Demand for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance.Jack Hadley & James D. Reschovsky - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (2):118-137.
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    Las razones del derecho natural: perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas ante la crisis del positivismo jurídico.Salvatore Amato & Renato Rabbi-Baldi Cabanillas (eds.) - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Abaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
  31. An authentic life for process thinking.Harald Atmanspacher & Jack Martin - unknown
    Jason Brown started his career as a neurologist specializing in language disorders, perceptive illusions, and impaired action. But beyond his activity as a physician he is a man of genuinely theoretical appetite. As satisfying as it is to help improve the situation of sick fellow humans, this alone does not characterize him well. Those who know him closer know his insistent urge to find a philosophical framework for his clinical practice and research, together with his desire for a more humane (...)
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    Toward a Dialogue with Edward Said.Daniel Boyarin & Jonathan Boyarin - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (3):626-633.
    As critics, a vital part of our task is to examine the ways in which language mystifies and reveals, serves and disserves human desires and aspirations. In that spirit we feel that engaging the leading Palestinian intellectual in the United States in a critical dialogue is a vital task. Although this reply takes issue with several points in Edward Said’s paper, “An Ideology of Difference” , our critique is intended as part of the struggle for increased mutual empathy. We in (...)
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    Sport and Physical Activity in Catastrophic Environments.Jim Cherrington & Jack Black (eds.) - 2022 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    This book considers the ability of individuals and communities to maintain healthy relationships with their surroundings—before, during and after catastrophic events—through physical activity and sporting practices. -/- Broad and ambitious in scope, this book uses sport and physical activity as a lens through which to examine our catastrophic societies and spaces. Acknowledging that catastrophes are complex, overlapping phenomena in need of sophisticated, interdisciplinary solutions, this book explores the social, economic, ecological and moral injustices that determine the personal and emotional impact (...)
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    Spectres of Nature in the Trail Building Assemblage.Jim Cherrington & Jack Black - 2019 - International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure 3:71-93.
    Through research that was conducted with mountain bike trail builders, this article explores the processes by which socio-natures or ‘emergent ecologies’ are formed through the assemblage of trail building, mountain bike riding and matter. In moving conversations about ‘Nature’ beyond essentialist readings and dualistic thinking, we consider how ecological sensibilities are reflected in the complex, lived realities of the trail building community. Specifically, we draw on Morton’s (2017) notion of the ‘symbiotic real’ to examine how participants connect with a range (...)
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  35. Protocol for a scoping review to understand what is known about how GPs make decisions with, for and on behalf of patients who lack capacity.Simon Jack Ogden, Richard Huxtable & Jonathan Ives - 2020 - BMJ Open 10.
    General Practitioners (GPs) and allied healthcare professionals working in primary care are regularly required to make decisions with, for and on behalf of patients who lack capacity. In England and Wales, these decisions are made for incapacitated adult patients under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which primarily requires that decisions are made in the patient’s ‘best interests’. Regarding children, decisions are also made in their best interests but are done so under the Children Act 1989, which places paramount importance on (...)
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  36. Liber Amicorum for Cris Calude 2022.Arthur Paul Pedersen & Jack Stecher (eds.) - 2022
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  37. A Theology of Pastoral Care.Eduard Thurneysen, Jack A. Worthington & Thomas Wieser - 1962
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    Is Health Care Spending Higher under Medicaid or Private Insurance?Jack Hadley & John Holahan - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (4):323-342.
    This paper addresses the question of whether Medicaid is in fact a high-cost program after adjusting for the health of the people it covers. We compare and simulate annual per capita medical spending for lower-income people (families with incomes under 200% of poverty) covered for a full year by either Medicaid or private insurance. We first show that low-income privately insured enrollees and Medicaid enrollees have very different socioeconomic and health characteristics. We then present simulated comparisons based on multivariate statistical (...)
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  39.  59
    Perspectival selves in interaction with others: Re-reading G.h. Mead's social psychology.Jack Martin - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (3):231–253.
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    Is Protagorean Relativism Self-Refuting?Jack W. Meiland - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 9 (1):51-68.
    This paper first explains why the charge of self-refutation against extreme relativism is so important and then defends extreme relativism against two of the most recent and most sophisticated accusations of self-refutation. It is shown that these accusations seem plausible only because they illicitly employ principles appropriate only to absolute truth; hence these accusations are unsound. One central topic of discussion in the paper is the relation between "a believes that p" and "p is true for a".
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  41. Participation.Jack H. Nagel - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):441-442.
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    The Educational Psychology of Self-Regulation: A Conceptual and Critical Analysis.Jack Martin & Ann-Marie McLellan - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):433-448.
    The multiplicity of definitions and conceptions of self-regulation that typifies contemporary research on self-regulation in psychology and educational psychology is examined. This examination is followed by critical analyses of theory and research in educational psychology that reveal not only conceptual confusions, but misunderstandings of conceptual versus empirical issues, individualistic biases to the detriment of an adequate consideration of social and cultural contexts, and a tendency to reify psychological states and processes as ontologically foundational to self-regulation. The essay concludes with a (...)
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    Interpreting and extending G. H. Mead's "metaphysics" of selfhood and agency.Jack Martin - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (4):441 – 456.
    G. H. Mead developed an alternative "metaphysics" of selfhood and agency that underlies, but is seldom made explicit in discussions of, his social developmental psychology. This is an alternative metaphysics that rejects any pregiven, fixed foundations for being and knowing. It assumes the emergence of social psychological phenomena such as mind, self, and deliberative agency through the activity of human actors and interactors within their biophysical and sociocultural world. Of central importance to the emergence of self-consciousness and deliberative forms of (...)
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    A closed-loop theory of paired-associate verbal learning.Jack A. Adams & Norman W. Bray - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):385-405.
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    A theory of stimulus equivalence.Jack Capehart, Vincent J. Tempone & John Herbert - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (4):405-418.
  46. El principio de proporcionalidad, la dignidad humana y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema: un análisis desde la perspectiva de Robert Alexy.Renato Rabbi-Baldi Cabanillas - 2017 - In Robert Alexy, Argumentación, derechos humanos y justicia. Buenos Aires: Astrea.
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  47. Michel Villey e il tema dei Diritti Umani: una critica dal punto di vista dei suoi testi e dalle sue fonti.Renato Rabbi-Baldi Cabanillas - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (4):551-582.
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  48. Machinics: AI and the philosophy of technics in Simondon, Steigler, and Malabou.Jack Robert June Edmunds-Coopey - forthcoming - Berlin, Germany: Suhramp Verlag.
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    De l'univers éternel à l'éternité de l'homme.Jean-Jack Micalef - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
  50.  35
    Insurance Premiums and Insurance Coverage of Near-Poor Children.Jack Hadley, James D. Reschovsky, Peter Cunningham, Genevieve Kenney & Lisa Dubay - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):362-377.
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